Postural Control in Multiple Sclerosis with Balance-Based Torso-Weighting

Posted on June 10, 2014. Filed under: Balance, Balance-Based Torso-Weighting, Multiple Sclerosis Treatment, Postural Control |

Here is an article on our research.

It is a bit complex but what it means is the following. Balance-Based Torso-Weighting (BBTW) can affect people in different ways. Some people have too much variability of movement and need less. Other people are too stiff in their movement and need more variability.

When the researchers looked at what normative movement should be they found that after BBTW their movement on either side of a normal range became closer to normal. BBTW is a very individualized strategic weighting technology. Each person is assessed and light weights are placed to provide input that decreases that particular person’s loss of balance. How the body picks up this information is also individualized because of their particular lesion site, how the afferent information ( nerve signals/ transmission) is relayed to the Central Nervous System, how it is processed, then how the messages are relayed back through the system for automatic postural synergies for balance control. This a very complex system. We are grateful that BBTW seems to be working to improve the process.

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